The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) has established an Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) standard specifically for schools, known as ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2019, “Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings”.

This standard provides guidance for school building designers, operators, and maintenance personnel on how to ensure a healthy and comfortable indoor environment for students and staff. It outlines minimum ventilation rates based on the number of occupants and the size of the spaces, as well as requirements for air filtration and exhaust.

The IAQ standard for schools also includes guidelines for controlling indoor air pollutants such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can affect the health and wellbeing of students and staff. It recommends the use of low-emitting materials and products, as well as regular maintenance and cleaning of ventilation systems to ensure optimal performance.

In addition to the ASHRAE standard, there are other guidelines and regulations that schools must follow, such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools program, which provides resources for improving indoor air quality in schools.